Publishers always want their ads to perform better and for this they try different tactics. Publishers try to maintain balance between user experience and the ads by using different techniques. But it is very difficult to control and keep an eye on your ads performance. For publisher’s ease Mahimeta offers best ad performance services.

Below are the performance optimizing services that we provide, which makes us better from other ad networks.

Non-Performing Ads:

Publishers can monitor each of their ad units stats and compare different ad units stats and choose those ad units that perform well. This will help publishers to maintain a better performing ad inventory which attracts premium advertisers.

Anti Ad Block:

It is a feature that prevents your ads to get blocked by an ad blocker that a user is using to prevent ads. A pop-up is displayed before opening a website which asks publishers to disable the ad blocker to proceed to the website.

Publishers can enable this feature from their dashboard and inserting code into their website.

Lazy Loading Ads:

Lazy loading is a feature that allows publishers to serve ads only when the users are likely to view them as they scroll down to the site. This result in increased ad viewability, reduce page latency and ultimately improve website and ads experience.

Publishers can request us to enable this feature for their websites.


The inventory which we do not fill we will pass back to you so you can send those impressions to another advertiser tags to serve. This will allow you to monetize every impression, and greatly decrease the chance of serving blank ads. ビットコインカジノ
Publishers can manage passback in the passback tab in their dashboard.

Intelligent Ad Refresh:

Mahimeta ad refresher is not an ordinary ad refresher. It only refreshes ads when they are in user’s view port. This results in genuine impressions that attract premium advertisers.

A/B Testing:

Publishers can optimize ad layouts across different devices to increase viewability and CTR through our A/B testing tool.

Publishers can request us for A/B testing for their websites.

All of the above services we provide will improve your ads performance. Also, attract premium advertisers which results in higher CPM and revenue.